Monday 18 March 2019

what is love?

When I was 16, I always tell myself that I'm going to find someone who will complete me. I was influenced by a huge amount of fictional stories I read and they made me believe that the world owes me a great love story too. Now that I'm almost 20 I wonder if is it really possible for someone to complete us? Will someone fill that void that has been slowly eating me for as long as I can remember? or maybe I should just find someone I can half-way tolerate and just stick with them? 

I met a lot of people in the past years and non of them made me feel like what I wanted to feel. What's crazier is that I don't have the slightest idea what I want to feel and what I should feel. Do I have the wrong idea of love or maybe I'm just a person who don't know and will never know what love feels like? 

Whats is love though? 

Is love when someone checks up on you every time if you ate your meal? left for wherever you're supposed to go or when you arrived home safely? Cause I think that's something your parents already do and I'm not talking about that kind of love. Is love supposed to feel like a routine where you have to update the other person on everything you do on a daily basis? Which in my case not that interesting. 

Or is it when you have a genuine connection with someone where you can talk about everything and even sometimes having conflicting ideas you still accept one another and find a common ground just to show how much you love each other? When you help each other grow and become a better versions of yourselves every day. When you find beauty in them even on days they feel like they don't deserved to be looked at. When you fell in love not with just the superficial things but with their soul. 

I have so many questions and I hope one day someone can give me the answers.

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