Tuesday 5 May 2015

Dear Future Me


Dear Lance,

   I know that you are the most awkward person ever and people often misunderstood you for being a snob because of that when in fact you are just too shy to socialize with other humans.

   I hope you are not as awkward as you are today. I hope you'll be like those other people who can make friends with anyone instantly.

   I know you care too much about how you look, not because you are a really self-centered person but because most people judge you base on your physical appearance and you know that because you used to be one of those judgmental twats, but you changed because it's the right thing to do.

   I hope you now have a really good self-esteem and have already learn how to love yourself for who you are because right now, that's just the hardest thing to do.

   I know you've made a lot of wrong choices in life before and you still can't forgive yourself for doing those crap. But please learn how to forgive yourself cause I am having a hard time to do it.

   You often get rude and disrespectful things in the internet sent by coward people whom like to call themselves "ANONYMOUS". Don't listen to them they are just a big ball of insecurities and we'll talk about them on my next blog post.

   I hope you reached your dreams or life goals as everyone call it these days. Like a million youtube subs. Meet Louis,Katy,Joey,Zoe and many more. And react to a video or anything in finebros and be in a Buzzfeed video cause that would be really cool! And I'm guessing that you already bleached your hair until it's like Jack Frost's hair like you always wanted it to be and also I hope you get a follow from 4/4 cause right now you don't give a fuck about Zayn.

   I hope that you are now the person you always wanted to be. And lastly don't forget to be happy and always remember to smile even if you look like a creepy Russian pedophile when you do it.

-LNC 2015

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