Thursday 13 December 2018


I started reading books about love when I was 14 and that's when I started to develop this so called fantasy that one day I'll be able to find someone that can make me feel like how those characters did. That made think that the world owes me a wonderful love story as well. I've been looking for my soul mate ever since, but as I grew older I start to think that maybe not all of us will be given a great love story and that we might never be able to find that one girl or boy that will make us feel like we are in a Nicholas Sparks novel. Maybe our ideas will forever just stay as ideas and that the little check list for our perfect pair won't ever be filled, because no real life person will ever be fit and that you push away every boy who gives you the attention you wanted the sooner you realize they're not like the prince charming in your perfect world of fiction. It has been impossible finding a soul that speaks mine, but do I have to compromise the things I look for someone that will surely make me happy just for sliver of hope that by settling with someone can somehow take away some of the loneliness that's been eating me, and that someday might give me the euphoria I've always wanted?